Chamber קאמרי
Symphonic תזמורתי
2005 Serenade for Cello, Guitar and Violin, Lübbecke Summer Kultur Festival, DE
2010 Episodes on the Jewish Fate of an Artist, 3 Duets for Violin and Guitar, Stadtmuseum Trier, DE
2011 Jugar Con Fuego for Clarinet, Violin, Cello, Guitar and Piano
2012 Homage to Cantor Abraham Beniso for Quartet and Tape
Autoridad Nasionala del Ladino
2012 The Dream Recorder for Amplified ensemble and tape,
Inbal Ethnic Centre, Suzanne Dalal
A Hebrew Capriccio, complete chamber CD :
recorded and released by the German based label: Smoothfactor, including the works:
Arabah for Clarinet and Guitar (published by IMI)
Noches for Clarinet, 2 Violins, Viola, 2 Cellos, and specially tuned guitar
Bowl of Cherries for Piano
Max's Landscape for Violin and Guitar
Capriccio for Clarinet, Violin, Cello and Guitar
Jugar Con Fuego for Clarinet, Violin, Cello, Guitar and Piano
Jacobs Ladder for Piano
Capriccio as an Afterthoughtfor Viola and Guitar
2016 Acordeme de mi Tanerfor Trio
2017 Guitar Impressions
Jerusalem de Sefarad a Suite for Classical Guitar based on Spanish & Portuguese Themes Premier: University of Lisbon
published internationally by ORTAV
2019 Three Childhood Scenes from across the Mediterranean A Triptych for Guitar and Viola : published by IMI
Jaffa Duets for Guitar and Recorder
Florentine for Bass Clarinet
A Vital Street for Guitar and Clarinet
The Gibraltar Suite for Cantor and Small Ensemble, 2004 Gibraltar Tercentenary
The Sefarad Symphony, 2004
Keter Malchut for Orchestra, Raanana Symphony Orchestra 2006
Dialogue, Concerto for Guitar and Youth Orchestra, Budapest, Hungary 2008
Uri's Musical Box, Orchestral fantasy for children, comissioned by the Pais Arts Council 2010
2014 "Ka'chalom Yauf" Like a Fleeting Dream: Concerto for Viola and Orchestra, Ph.D Work
2018 Shachar Abakeshcha, a Poem by Ibn Gabirol Composed for the Ladino Orc.
2019 Ladino orchestral arr. for Kobi Aflalo
2020 La Palmera y la Luna for guitar and orchestra
Commissioned by the Arab Jewish Orchestra
Discography דיסקוגרפיה